好傭易 Version 2.3 傭工勞務管理系統

i手機電腦互聯網 / 數據修復iT GaGa 電腦科技

ITOS Resources aims to provide a wide range of IT technical supports and solutions to varies kinds of business and organization. By providing a single point of contact to clients for resolving all pr

Edison Networks Ltd. is well-established system integration solution company. Our Management, sales & engineer are a group of well experiences. We can provide an Efficient Data Integration Solutio
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫愛迪生網絡系統有限公司

Established in 1989, Infocan's business focus is to provide information technology enabling and skills transfer services to organization users. Enable means to turn hardware and software products int
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫安富勤電腦有限公司

Company profile United Networks is operated by United Network Solutions Limited, which was formed by I.T. experienced professionals with over 18 years backgrounds in information systems management an

除提供客戶最符合時代潮流的尖端超值 「 Web2.0 + VoIP 電話 + 通訊 + 互聯網 互動整合」等 SIP 產品外,亦自立軟件開發隊伍,,針對客戶特殊需求,研發整合各式全方位組合系統

THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN HONG KONG provides networking and business development opportunities to its members. As a member of AUSTCHAM, you are part of the largest Australian business org
T商業 / 會社、組織及團體The Australian Chamber of Commerce

Christine M. Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries is a Hong Kong law firm established in 1992. The scope of practice includes, but is not limited to, insurance and pension, banking, trust, conveya
C商業 / 法律事務Christine M.Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries 顧張文菊律師行

Beautyfly 蝴蝶屋( http://beautyfly.shopping.babysky.hk/ ) 是一間經營嬰、幼、兒童髮飾配飾品網上商店. 本店有售的是現今在歐美相當流行的手工蝴蝶髮飾,都是店主 用優質絲帶(有些更是在外國訂回來的)人手自家製作,手工精美,獨一無二。同時,本店也有售日韓流行髮飾品。 訂貨需知: 1. 當店主收到您們的訂單後,會以電郵發出訂單確定通知,請您們於兩天內付

編號 b0011 編號 b0012 PRICE $480.00 PRICE $580.00 花種類別 玫瑰, 繡球+襯花 花種類別 玫瑰 編號 b0013 編號 b0014 PRICE $430.00 PRICE $380.00 花種類別 玫瑰, 太陽菊+襯花 花種類別 玫瑰 編號 b0015 編號 b0016 PRICE $480.00 PRICE $300.00 花種類別 玫瑰 花種類別 茉

"A much celebrated success story of recent years, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert has emerged to dominate in its chosen fields."- Chambers and Partners 2005-2006 Barlow Lyde & Gilbert is a leading inte
B商業 / 法律事務Barlow Lyde & Gilbert

本會宗旨是以聚集攝影同好,共同推動攝影藝術及活動。彼此交流創作心得與經驗,互相研究攝影技巧,從而提升攝影技術。透過鏡頭,利用相片,反映現實,捕捉剎那,化為永恆。 而本會每月亦會舉辦外攝活動,從而推廣攝影,令其普及化及鼓勵大眾對攝影產生興趣。 凡愛好攝影或對攝影有興趣的人仕,如同意本會宗旨及版規者,均歡迎加入成為本會會員。 Breathe-Life 12月17日--1217 小組活動 活動日期 :
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